My favourites tips to learn German language for free

Preethi Rao
2 min readJun 24, 2023

Since my recent relocation to Germany, learning German has become a crucial task. However, due to my busy schedule, finding time to attend language learning courses has proven to be challenging.

Definitely going to German class is a huge add-on to learn German, but incase you are like me then here are few tips for you to learn any new language.

In order to learn any language following points are very important, you need to mainly work on

  • Listening Skill,
  • Speaking skills
  • Learning grammar of the language
  • Memorising the important words

Listening Skills: Listening skill is very important when it comes to learning any new language, because every word or letter can be pronounced different in different languages, its very important to get used to these pronouciations, especially in case of German I would suggest you to do the following things

  • Switch to german language whenever you are watching any shows, especially on Netflix, amazon prime(try to add subtitle as your native language) so that you can map accordingly.
  • DW, is a German public, state-owned international broadcaster funded by the German federal tax budget, they have specific channel to help people learn, understand German language, I will attach link to this channel
  • If you know native German people try to talk to them in German, some basic sentences here and there should help.

Speaking skills: This is equally important as listening skills, especially when it comes to German, some of the word pronunciation are very different compared to English , sometimes it can be very hard in the beginning , you need to explicitly train your tongue around this.

Learning grammar and improving your vocabulary:

  • Try to find top 1000 words used in German language, try to memorise them(
  • To improve your vocabulary, try labeling each item in your house with its German name on sticky notes and place them accordingly. By seeing these labels daily, you will gradually memorize the corresponding German words for each item.
  • After remembering at least 50 words, use google translator (try to translate you native languages sentences to german). you will gain some confidence
  • Try to use language learning applications, there are many applications with which you can learn german for free, do check out my video( to see which are my favourites, try to keep 5–10 min everyday to learn language with these applications. Some of the popular applications are Dualingo, Tandem, Busuu, Babel, Memorise

Well, this is it from my bucket, If you have any suggestions please comment below this article, I am waiting for your comments.

Have a nice day guys

